New Members

The Meaning of Church Membership

It has been said that there are no "lone ranger" Christians. As followers of Christ, we are at our best when our discipleship is lived out in the context of Christian community. Being active in a local church is the primary way to do this. But what does membership in a local church really mean? 

In The United Methodist Church, being baptized and making a profession of faith leads into one's membership into a local church. In the Baptismal Covenant of our membership vows, the question is asked, "Will you be loyal to the United Methodist Church and uphold it with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness?" 

Each fall and spring, our church offers a 3-week class for prospective members for adults during the Sunday School hour. The class is taught by members of the church and the pastor. It is for new Christians, persons transferring from other United Methodist Churches and persons transferring in from other denominations. Topics focus on learning more about the mission and ministry of CHUMC, church history, church doctrine and polity, expectations of membership, spiritual gifts assessment, volunteer opportunities, and church goals. This is a helpful opportunity to become more engaged and integrated into the life of the church. 

If you are interested in being part of the next New Members Class, please reach out to one of our church staff members for more information...